Monday, September 24, 2012


Secretary Clinton apologized to Muslims around the world for the "disgusting and reprehensible" anti-Muslim video that no Muslim in the Middle East has seen. She reassured the world that the U.S. government had nothing to do with the video. Still, Muslimdom is burning, rioting, and killing.

I'm waiting for her apology for the insensitive Book of Mormon musical. It makes fun, in very vulgar way

s, of many of the things I hold sacred. Some critics have called it vulgar, profane, and disgusting. As far as I know, no Mormons have burned, rioted, or killed anyone over this musical. In fact, the Church took out an ad in the "Book of Mormon" musical playbill telling people that the book is even better than the musical.

What a difference in cultures.
Here's an article that says it far better than I.  I found this AFTER I wrote the above.