Wednesday, August 6, 2008


We're really enjoying my Dad's visit to Provo. He and I have spent hours sitting in the adirondack chairs on the front porch, talking about everything from his childhood, to mine, his Army experiences, to mine, and the weather, his health, how much he misses my Mother, his Sweetheart, and a little bit of everything else.

He's also had the opportunity to get to know Karen a lot better. She's a quiet person and sometimes comes off as if she thinks she's better than those around her. She's actually quite like Dad and he's finally realized that. She's just quiet and shy like him, but they've had lots of nice, long talks, as well.

The kids and grandkids come over and visit, but the noise and confusion and rowdiness of the little ones makes him nervous. He likes it, but it makes him nervous. Above is a photo Jenna took of him bribing Owen and Lucy to come sit on his lap. Owen took the sucker and ran and Lucy wouldn't get within an arms-length of Dad. That's the top of her head and hand you can see in the foreground and that's as close as she got to him.

I'm so glad we've had this opportunity. I wouldn't have missed it for the world.