Wednesday, July 21, 2010


When all of America heard Reverend Wright bash white people and our beloved America, we were told by our Fearless Leader, The Anointed One, President Obama, that we shouldn't judge Reverend Wright based on a few soundbites, that there was much more to the story, and the man, than just those few clips.

But when El Presidente heard that Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Harvard Professor and race-relations expert, had been arrested by Police Sergeant James Crowley...yes, when the President "heard" the sound bite of Sergeant White Guy Crowley's arrest of the Most Honorable Professor Black Man Gates, he immediately reacted by saying, "The police acted stupidly." He didn't wait until he heard the whole story. Nope. Not our guy. He jumped right in the middle of it and made a quick judgment...stupidly.

Now, the Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the USDA, Shirley Sherrod, was fired yesterday under the direction of the White House, for some soundbites she made, explaining racist behavior she exhibited 24 years ago. Now that the White House has had a chance to dig a little deeper, they've apologized to her and offered her another job with the Agriculture Department.

I'm not arguing any of these cases. You can believe anything you'd like about Reverend Wright, Sergeant Crowley and Professor Gates, and Shirley Sherrod. You can read about these three cases and come to your own conclusions.

I'm just dumbfounded by our President...the one who said he was post-racial, that race wouldn't be an issue during his tenure, I'm dumbfounded that he just can't wait to jump into and stir up and confuse and exacerbate any racial issue that comes up. He can't help himself.

He is the most racial and racist President in my lifetime.

And, he wants us to do as he says, not as he does.