Monday, January 19, 2009


You might have heard some rumblings from conservatives (which is what I am), not necessarily from Republicans (which I am only secondarily and lately, not holding on very tightly to the Party), regarding their hopes for the Obama Presidency.

Many of the people in my camp are not hoping for Barrack Obama's presidency to be a success. Those of you who are so eager and excited and twitterpated for the new president to finally take office are probably pissed off that I'd even say such a thing.

Don't get me wrong, I do pray for Obama. I pray that he'll be safe. I pray that he'll have the strenght and energy to do the job. I pray that he'll be a role model for black kids all over America. I pray that they'll want to emulate his looks and his speaking abilities. I do not, however, pray that his policies will be successful. Why? I'm a conservative. Mr. Obama is at least a liberal, but many of us feel that he's very comfortable with socialism.

Why would I, as a conservative, want his liberal and socialist policies to be implemented? I would only want that if I were ready to renounce my core beliefs; my politics.

If you are one of the slobbering, sychophantic, Obama worshipers, please ask yourself how much you wanted G. W. Bush's policies to succeed. Ask yourself how long prior to President Bush's inauguration you were praying for his success. If you're honest with yourself, you'll admit that you didn't think that Mr. Bush was even legitimately elected as President and you certainly didn't want to give his Nazi policies a chance.

Frankly, I'm over the fact that Mr. Obama is black. I've been a supporter of strong, intelligent black people for years. While liberals were damning Justice Thomas, I was thrilled to see a successful, well-spoken black man reach such a high position in America. In fact, Republicans have been pushing blacks to succeed for years. I'm past Obama being black. Now I'm just praying that he doesn't stick to the promises that he made that got him elected.

Fortunately for my side, the "change" he's been promising has already started to happen: He's changed his mind about pulling out of Iraq on the first day of his Presidency. He's changed his mind about closing down Guantanamo (Gitmo) Detention Center on the first day of his Presidency. He's changed his mind about giving tax breaks to the rich...the only class in America that creates jobs.

I pray that he keeps changing his mind and that his policies continue to shift to the right.

Yep, for that, I'll pray.

As for this political blog, I just can't help myself. I love politics.