Monday, September 10, 2012


Well hello, Friends and Family.  I know.  I'm inconsistent.  Inconsistent, heck, I haven't been here since February.  It's not that I don't have anything to say.  It's just that with facebook and email, I'm communicating my life without using my Blog.

But, I don't want to disappoint those who aren't my facebook friends or on my email distribution list, so I'll try to blog more frequently.

I love this time of year.  I love the cool weather.  Nights are getting down to mid- to high-50s and days are hitting about 80, at the highest.  Life is good.  I'm happy and working hard to control my Diabetes.  I've seen an Endocrinologist and he's whipping me into shape.

The main reason i"m here today?  I'm 65.  I feel pretty good.  I'm still excited about my job and hope to work another 5 years.  I work with great people and excellent customers.  I still enjoy traveling for work and Karen enjoys me being gone.  When we get back together, we actually like each other (for the most part).  I have a great family.  Great kids.  Great kids' spouses.  Great grandkids.  Wonderful parents, both deceased, but still play a big role in my life.  They taught me much.  Great deceased (who I miss very much) and two living.  One very old and one young and getting herself in good physical shape.  Like me, she's getting body parts replaced (two total knee replacements).  I'm getting my right shoulder replaced in a couple of weeks.  I've been in a lot of pain and have minimal range of motion.  Unfortunately, my left shoulder isn't far behind.  Also, I have great nieces and nephews and other relatives.  All in all, a great family.

I love the Lord and his Gospel and am actively engaged.  I have great neighbors and friends.  We love our old house.  There's always lots to do, in the house and the yard.

So, as you can tell, there's not much to complain about.  Life is very good.

Oh, one other thing.  You know I'm a little political.  I think we have a distinct choice between President Obama and Mr. Romney.  When thinking about this, I try to be as objective as I can and in my view. our choice is between more government: for example, hiring more teachers, firemen, policemen (public sector jobs).  Having government in more control of the goings on in our lives.  And, less government, making it easier for the private sector to create jobs and, hopefully, reducing the impact of government in our lives.  I realize that's barely scratching the surface, but those are the basics.  I've always been a "private sector" guy, so my choice is obvious.  I hope yours is, as well.  I'm very confused about those who are still "undecided."  As the old saying goes, "Poop or get off the pot."  It's time to decide.

Thanks for your time.  Talk to you later..