Friday, November 26, 2010


Our good friend, Rulon Jenson, passed away last week. I've talked a bit about him on FaceBook.

Here are two Rulon and Boydie stories:

1 - At the viewing, I grabbed Boydie, our 6 year old autistic grandson and took him over to the casket and said, "Do you remember Rulon? He comes over to our house for dessert every Sunday evening." Boyd said, "Yes, I know him. He's married to Terri." So, I said, "That is his body in the casket." He stared, without moving, for at least 60 seconds, then in his loudest voice said, "Yep. I think he's dead."

2 - Boyd's dad (my son, Ken) arrived late for the viewing, having come directly from work. As soon as he walked in the mortuary, Boyd grabbed his hand and dragged him over towards the casket. As he got close to the casket, again in his loudest voice, he said, "Come on, Dad. Come and see the dead guy."

Rulon would have laughed and enjoyed the joke.