Oh, to have President Reagan back. But, that will never be. So, who will I vote for in the 2012 election?
I've given it a lot of thought. I really dislike President Obama's policies. Plus, he's just too snarky, arrogant, and classless. Plus, even though the left ridicule President Bush for his speaking abilities (or lack thereof), Mr. Obama can't put two sentences together without a tele-prompter. He's a complete idiot. He's not the genius his supporters purport him to be. He's a dolt and he's unAmerican.
He considers those with whom he differs as enemies. Americans as enemies! Amazing. He's worried about giving Usama bin Laden a proper Muslim burial, but I'm his enemy.
Anyway, don't get me started on that goofball. As has been said many times in many places, Barrack Obama is the least qualified person in any room he enters.
So, here's my short list of Republicans that I would be proud to vote for in the 2012 election:
Newt Gingrich
Chris Christie
John Bolton
Gary Johnson
Buddy Roemer
Michele Bachman
Herman Cain
Sarah Palin
Rick SantorumJon Huntsman
*Mike Huckabee
Tim Pawlenty
Mitch Daniels
Rick Perry
Mitt Romney
*Ron Paul
*Would only vote for these people if they won the nomination. Last resort, but better than Obama.
I really look forward to the 2012 election. It can't come soon enough.
One more thing. Here's the abbreviated version of most every speech he makes:
He's the "I" man! Nobody else exists in his world.