Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I can't help but think that our Community Organizer in Chief is involved in the Occupy movement.

He and most of the left (do I still have to say, "and the media," or do we all understand by now that the "left" and the "media" are one in the same?) are very supportive of the Occupiers. They constantly remind us that protesting and demonstrating is as American as apple pie.

I don't see these yahoos as being very American. Sorry.

I happen to believe that capitalism is American.

No, they're not protesting a war or the draft. They want to be forgiven their student loans. They took out the loans, they signed on the dotted line, but now they want someone else (anyone...you, me, the banks, mommy and daddy...SOMEONE!!!) to pay their loans off.

They're even demonstrating in Syria about student loans. See above? No. Wait. That's not Syria. That's Oakland, CA...America.

They want us to walk away from one of our closest allies. President Obama has been doing that already, so I'm not sure why this old guy is protesting about that. The Left is pretty much all in favor of deserting them. So, again, President Obama's fingerprints all over this movement.

Even Provo, UT has had it's own Occupy Protest. It wasn't very well attended. There just aren't that many anarchists and idiots in Provo.

Now, that's my idea of a successful demonstration. Only 10 - 12 people show up and then go home after realizing they look stupid.

And, yes, that is the Occupy Provo Protest. Tee hee.