Thursday, October 30, 2008


Well, hopefully my last blog didn't make you too ill. I'll get back to either "Senator Obama is a Marxist and will kill us with tax increases or President Obama is a Marxist and will kill us with tax increases" in the next day or two, but I want to finish my list of things that make me happy and that I'm so grateful for.

First, I spent a little time with Jeff, Paula, David, and Michele last week in Dallas which reminded, again, why I'm so grateful for family. It also reminds me that I'm not the only weird one in the family.

  • Good health. I know that sounds strange coming from someone who is obese and has Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis, and Cholesterol problems, but other than those things, which are magnificently controlled through the wonders of modern medicine, I'm in great health. I haven't puked for years. I haven't had a real cold for years. I'm not allergic to anything. I can breathe the air around me without having allergic reactions. I haven't had a headache for 20 years. I...I can still...let me see...I don't need Viagra. At all!!! I heal quickly from scrapes and scratches and sprains. I feel great. And fortunately, my family's health is as good as mine. We're a pretty healthy bunch. That can't be by accident. That's got to be a blessing! And it makes me very happy.
  • Many of the things that make me happy are possible because I live in America. For example, I can practice the religion of my choice, without interference from the Government. My religion gives me such comfort, and joy, and satisfaction. My very best friends in the world are from my church. I'm grateful for the Gospel. I believe, with all my heart, that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. Through him, I can approach the Father. Through him, I can enjoy Eternal Life. I firmly believe that Joseph Smith was a Prophet and restored the Gospel to the earth.
  • We live in a beautiful, old, home. I love it. I'm grateful for it. Karen makes it a home and I make it a challenge for Karen to keep clean and tidy. But, I do love our home.
  • Karen and I both have absolutely fantastic employment. She calls her job "Employment Heaven." I call mine "Employment Celestial Kingdom." Our jobs are perfectly suited for each of us.
  • And, finally, I'm so grateful for Mexican food. It makes me extremely happy.