Last night (Thursday, July 16th), Karen and I, along with Joni and Jared, went to an Incubus Concert in Salt Lake City. Can you find Joni and Jared in the Pit? Click on the photo to enlarge it.
Here they are, looking for Mom and Dad. Joni giving us a cheesy smile and Jared wondering why we're looking at them.
The concert was at an outdoor venue, called the USANA Amphitheater. Although it was about 95 degrees just before the concert began, the sun went down just prior to the start and it cooled right down. It was a beautiful evening.
Besides being a rock band, an Incubus is:
1. an imaginary demon or evil spirit supposed to descend upon sleeping persons, esp. one fabled to have sexual intercourse with women during their sleep. (I kept an eye on Karen all night, after the concert!)
2. a nightmare.
3. something that weighs upon or oppresses one like a nightmare. Unabridged
If you're not real familiar with them, Incubus is an alternative rock band (primarily), but they are sometimes hard to categorize. Besides the standard rock instruments, they sometimes use a djembe, bongos, a rockin' electric didgeridoo, and just about anything else that makes good music.
Here's the lead singer, Brandon Boyd, playing the didgeridoo.
When we arrived at the venue, we stopped off at the restrooms. As I was washing my hands, the kid next to me, who was covered with tattoos and had a few dozen piercings, looked over and said, "Hello, White Beard!" It cracked me up. I said, "Hello, Son. I'm just layin' low and trying not to be noticed, but I can't help it if I'm old and this is the music I like. We like what we like." He said, "Right on, Dude."
Not all groups are as good live as they are on, tape..., well, on CD. Incubus was not only as good, they were much better. Mr. Boyd (I love that name. It's the same as my father-in-law and my grandson) is an astounding singer. Here he is singing and getting ready to play the djembe, nestled snugly betwixt his legs.
It was a concert to remember. I will definitely see them again.
If Karen and I were Sunday concert attenders, we'd be at the Tool concert this Sunday night. As it is, we'll take a couple months break and then start watching for the next great concert.