Monday, September 28, 2009


Where did the weekend go? It seems like I just got back from Houston and Dallas and now I'm getting ready to go to the airport to go to San Diego and Los Angeles.

My weekends seem to shoot by. What little bit of Friday I have left by the time I get back from traveling for work, is spent mowing the lawn, feeding the birds, and doing other chores, then grocery shopping when Karen gets home.

We go on a date on Friday night, then before I know it, it's Saturday.

Saturday is a special day, it's the day we try to get everything else done that didn't get done on Friday or the rest of the week. It's also over all to quickly.

Sunday is a full day of work. I go to my first meeting at 9:30 AM and finish up around 3:30 PM. At that time, I help Karen get our Sunday Family Dinner prepared. We eat at 5:00 PM and visit with our kids for awhile.

Some friends come over for dessert, we go to bed, and then it's time to go to work on Monday morning.

I want to check with the government to see if, besides Daylight Savings Time, they've done something to mess with our weekends. I know Saturday and Sunday are much shorter than the other days of the week.