Thursday, December 31, 2009


2010 New Year's Resolution # 1:

Treat Diabetes like the dangerous disease it is.

I don't know why my brother died on November 9, 2009.
I don't know if it was "just his time." Or, if there was negligence in his treatment at the hospital. I don't know if it was related to breaking his leg or if it had to do with the reason he passed out the morning of the day he died. I don't know if it was because he was grossly overweight or if he wasn't managing his health very well. I just don't know why he died, but it has, among other things, reminded me of my own mortality.

I miss Jeff very much. If there's anyone out there in Blogland who would miss me if I died, anywhere near as much as I miss Jeff, then I want to do what I can to delay my death as much as possible.

I have a few medical problems. Diabetes is the most critical. So, you'd imagine I'd be very careful with my diet and my weight, right? Well, you'd be wrong. I've treated it like it was a hangnail.

So, beginning tomorrow, January 1, 2010, I resolve to faithfully take my medication, as directed.

I also resolve to eat the foods that I know I should eat.

And, avoid the foods I know I shouldn't eat.

I know I'll fail some days. I'll backslide once in awhile. But, for 2010, I want to manage my Diabetes.

Watch for further New Year's Resolutions in days to come.

Monday, December 28, 2009


I know it's pretty common for people to make, and then immediately (or shortly thereafter) break, New Year's Resolutions. It's a fact. I've done it myself. Why, then, do I feel so compelled to make them each year?

There is something for me about looking at the fresh, clean slate of a New Year and hoping to make it a great year; a year of positive change; maybe even the best year yet. I know I have many flaws and I always hope that the coming year will be the year I make changes to repair those flaws.

So, here I sit, nearing the end of 2009 and thinking about 2010. What kind of year will it be? I've lost family members the last two years. Will there be other family deaths in 2010? Will I control my appetite enough to lose some weight and, thereby, make it possible to reduce the amount of medication I take each day? Will I be able to get back to my ideal weight? Or, will I be able to grow 6" or 7" in height, so my current weight is ideal for my height?

Will I be able to spend more time in spiritual development, as well as in my doctrinal knowledge? What about all the things I learned in public schools and during my time at BYU...I've forgotten more than I remember. Do I need to brush up on History, Geography, Political Science, Math, and many of the other subjects I've not used much over the subsequent years?

Will I have as many aches and pains in 2010 as I've had in 2009? Is there anything I can do to reduce them? If it involves getting better sleep, exercise and eating right, will I be able to do those things?

Suffice it, at this time, to say, that I'm working on my list of 2010 New Year's Resolutions and I'll let you know what they are when I finalize them.

Stay tuned.