Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Karen and I got home late last night from a long-weekend, St. Louis, MO/Nauvoo, IL trip. We started in St. Louis on Thursday and after visiting Christy Flood and some of her family, we headed to Nauvoo.

What a wonderful trip. To actually walk the streets where people walked, whose names I've heard all my life: Joseph Smith, Hyrum, Brigham Young, Emma, Lucy Mack, Heber C. Kimball, and on and on...

We loved it. We hated to leave. We want to go there again.

Here are some photos of the trip:

Karen standing in front of the Lucy Mack Smith home.

This is the Old Nauvoo Cemetery.

Shots through the door, which struck and killed Hyrum.

The top window from which Joseph fell.

Joseph and Lucy's Mansion House.

Riser Boot Shop.

I have a ton of photos, but I can't share them all here.

Suffice it to say, we will return to Nauvoo.