Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Here are some thoughts about America, Republicans, Democrats, and more, based on what I've heard from the major players (both parties) in the upcoming election and picked up on my own from other sources:
  • According to the Democrat Leadership the United States is a Soup Kitchen country and no one can "make it" without the government's help.
  • Only Democrats can provide that help, according to them, as well..
  • They also insist that America is a racist country.
  • Michelle Obama was born in 1964. Barack Obama was born in 1961. During their lifetime she's lived under a Democrat President for 18 years and a Republican President for 27 years and he's lived under a Democrat President for 20 years and a Republican President for 27 years. They were born in very humble circumstances. Yet, by 2006, she was earning $275,000 and he was earning $725,000. In 2007, they earned $4 million. How could they make it while laboring for so many years under Republican Presidents? How could they make it while living in such a racist country?
  • We are all victims of something or someone, according to the Dems.
  • They also think that all solutions must come from the Government. We're incapable of doing anything for ourselves.
  • The Biden VP nomination didn't give Mr. Obama a bump in the polls. Senator Biden had zero impact on the polls.
  • Mr. Biden has too many negatives and will drag down the Obama candidacy. Had Mr. Obama selected Hillary Clinton, I think it would have been a cakewalk to the Presidency for him.
  • The Democrat Convention has been the most negative convention I've ever witnessed. If you believed what has been coming out of Colorado, you'd assume that no one in America is happy; or able to pay their bills; or loves their country; or thinks President Bush has done anything right; or thinks that America is on the right track, nor has it ever been on the right track...hence, we need change!!
  • We don't normally hire people just recently out of Law School to be CEOs of major corporations. Why would we do that for the Presidency of the United State?
  • If there is one thing that every election of every kind is about, it's change!! We want to change from one President to another. We want to change from one Mayor to another. We want to change from one Dog Catcher to another. How can "Change" be a serious slogan for a campaign, when change is what elections cause?
  • I'm a Conservative first and a Republican second. I don't like John McCain. I never have. I do so appreciate his sacrifice for America in Vietnam and while serving as a public servant in Congress, but he's not a person I feel comfortable calling a Conservative Republican. A Republican, sure...but not a Conservative one.
  • The 4 most Liberal Senators in the Senate are #1 Barack Obama, #2 Sheldon Whitehouse, #3 Joseph Biden, and #4 Bernie Sanders the "Independent" who proudly admits that he's a Socialist. So, the Democrats are offering us the #1 and #3 most Liberal Senators in the Senate, even more Liberal than a Socialist, as their nominees for President/VP.
  • America is Center/Right politically. Will a Center/Right electorate vote for an extremely Liberal person for President, along with his extremely Liberal runningmate?
  • It won't happen, not in a thousand years, but I'd love it if the Republicans put on a convention that was positive, upbeat, and spoke only of the good in America. We hear so little about those things lately, though I think they're still who and what we are. Instead of finding all the sad stories of people who can't make their mortgage payments, find stories of people, like the Obama's, who have made it. Who have worked hard and made it. Who lost their jobs and still plugged away and made it, in this great country. Like I said, it won't happen, but I'd love it.
Thanks for reading my political stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very well spoken and oh so true. Thanks for your insight.