Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I don't usually let the left-leaning media get me down, but they are so in the tank for Senator Obama for President that I'm finding myself somewhat discouraged. This morning I read two ariticles. One said "socialist" is a codeword for "black." Are you kidding me? How about Sweden and France and Italy, just to name a few. There certainly aren't many blacks living in those countries, which are admittedly socialist. I've never said the word "socialist" and meant "black"in my life, nor have I ever heard it used to mean "black."

Another article said that a Congresswoman who said that she felt that Senator Obama had some anti-American beliefs (on Hardball with Chris Mathews) is now being targeted by the DNC for defeat in the next election, just because she gave her opinion on Mr. Obama's relationships with so many anti-American activists and groups.

Unfortunately, altogether too many unread, illiterate, and people who get most of their news from The Daily Show, MTV, and the nightly talk shows, suck this stuff up and believe it.

Every election, we're told through the mainstream media and through polls, that the Republican nominee is going to be defeated. That, alone, is an attempt to discourage people from voting for the Republican nominee. "Why vote? Your guy is going to lose!" Even the landslide that Reagan had over Carter was predicted to be a loss by Reagan, right up until the day of the election.

If you can't see that the media and most of the pollsters are in the tank for Mr. Obama, you've got your eyes closed.

So, the message for today is, if you criticize Mr. Obama, you're a racist and need to be defeated.

I predicted early on that this election would boil down to nothing but race.

It has.

And I'm still discouraged and disgusted.

PS - After I finished this blog, I went back to the Internet to read miscellaneous articles about McCain, Obama, and the media, etc. I came across this article that really rang true to me:

Oh, yes! It's definitely a right-wing source, but after all the "We love Obama" nonsense that one sees in the mainstream media, ad nauseam, it's a breath of fresh air for this right-winger.

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