Monday, January 12, 2009


I try to keep politics to a minimum in my blogs, since many in my family either don't like politics, or don't follow politics, or disagree with my politics, and I don't want to either piss them off or bore them.

However, there's nothing too exciting about my work to write about. My family is fine and Jenna takes the photos and tracks the happenings in our Utah family. Church is church and not much changes from week to week. That leave the only other thing in my life that I feel much passion for...other than Karen: Politics!!

I pray for a very successful presidency for Barrack Obama. As I said in my last blog, I'm happy and thrilled and proud that we've overcome our prejudices and elected our first Smoker-American in a long time and our first African-American ever. However, I do expect certain things from a great president. The one thing I expect and have rarely been disappointed, is the President to INSPIRE the folks. President Kennedy inspired. President Reagan inspired. President Clinton inspired. President George W. Bush inspired. (You disagree that Bush inspired? Don't you remember him jumping up on the wreckage of the Twin Towers and passionately talking about America?)

President-elect Obama can inspire, but he seems to feel more comfortable telling us all how bad things are and that they're going to get worse. There's nothing wrong with being honest about the situation. In fact, some Americans demand our President be honest. But, hearing our President, even if he is just the President-elect, talk about how bad things are, how we're screwed, how we're going to have to suffer for a lot longer, is not what I want to hear.

Come on, Mr. Obama, inspire us!! Remind us what we're capable of doing. Tell us that by all of us coming together, working hard, and taking care of ourselves (and not expecting the government to bail us out, help us out, take care of us, and be our Nanny), we can get through this and come out on the other side better than we were before.

Inspire us, Mr. Obama, don't beat us down.


Amy said...


I personally AM inspired by someone who is willing to give it to me straight. To me, all of the flag waving & "God bless America" spouting breeds complaceny. It's as though because we're "the greatest country on Earth" that we are somehow entitled to prosperity and brotherly love without actually having to do anything for it.

One of my favorite quotes goes thusly: "I confidently trust that the American people will prove themselves...too wise not to detect he false pride or the dangerous ambitions or the selfish schemes which so often hide themselves under that deceptive cry of mock patriotism: "Our country right or wrong!" They will not fail to recognize that our dignity, our free institutions and the peace and welfare of this and coming generations of Americans will be secure only as we cling to the watchword of true patriotism: "Our country -- when right to be kept right; when wrong to be put right."

Senator Carl Schurz, October 1899

If we go to the doctor with an obvious debiltating pain and all the doctor does is tell us that nothing is wrong and that everything is going to be just fine, he has done us nothing but harm. If our leaders tell us that the economy is "fundamentally strong" and that all we need to do is spend money in order to spur it and all will be well, they do us nothing but harm.

We as a people know that things are bad. We also need to know that the mess is going to take time and effort to clean up. There is no bailout for us. We're going to have to roll up our sleeves and get back to the business of realizing that patriotism is a verb.

I'm not depressed by straight talk. I'm actually quite refreshed by it.

Just goes to takes all kinds, huh?

Peace & love, Uncle.

Bob said...

Amy, All I can say in response to your thoughts is what I said in my blog, "Come on, Mr. Obama, inspire us!! Remind us what we're capable of doing. Tell us that by all of us coming together, working hard, and taking care of ourselves (and not expecting the government to bail us out, help us out, take care of us, and be our Nanny), we can get through this and come out on the other side better than we were before."

A good leader inspires.

Amy said...

I think that's the whole premise behind, "Yes we can!!"

And, agreed...we need inspiration as well as straight talk.

Isn't it lovely that we're both right?