Monday, April 13, 2009


I've always said I'll never become an Obama hater like the Bush haters. They really embarrassed themselves. More like humiliated themselves. They had (have) no control over their hate for President Bush.

I said I'd praise President Obama when he did something I agreed with. I want to give him huge kudos for allowing the military to do what they had to do to release the American merchant ship Captain. Great job, Pres!! And, awesome job military.

I'm also grateful that now that he's receiving his daily briefings and understands what the consequences are of cutting and running in Iraq, as did President Bush, he is keeping our military there and adding to our military in Afghanistan.


markdw said...

Yes, it was a nice rescue. I read the story on Fox news about it, and one of the pirates (Jamac Habeb) said this of the US Navy:

"Now they became our number one enemy."

I'm sure the Navy is terrified. These particular pirates supposed have about 12 ships and 200 men.

Dano said...

I don't think we need to thank him for doing what he should do. It's like thanking someone for not going to jail or thanking someone for taking care of their kids. I'm sure the polling and focus groups told him that not many Americans would care if we killed three pirates.
By the way, do you notice how no one in his administration will say "terrorist" but they all love to say "pirate"? Obama practically wore an eye patch and had a parrot on his shoulder he was so pleased with himself. I wonder how long until they think up same lame euphemism for that like "commerce raider", "bailout seeker", or "impoverished sailor".