Friday, May 15, 2009


I got my new glasses yesterday, shortly after arriving home from Arizona. I can actually see!!

Here's the deal: My Type II Diabetes started going haywire a couple or three months ago. Idiot that I am, I figured if I didn't test my blood-sugar, the problem would go away. But, it didn't. It got worse. Finally, I noticed that my vision was horrible. I couldn't see distances and I couldn't see up close. Everything was fuzzy. After several trips to the doctor, including the one regarding my urinary tract infection and the one to the Emergency Room, it was determined that I needed to start on Insulin, as well as taking a couple of additional Diabetes drugs.

I also went to my Optometrist, who said my eyesight had gotten much worse, but my eyes were still healthy, showing no signs of Diabetes damage. We ordered some new glasses and I took off to Arizona for work. In the meantime, I had to be able to see, so I found that if I piggy-backed my normal glasses with some readers, I could see pretty well. Well, better than without the combo. I actually looked pretty cool and nobody gave me a second look.

That's not true. I only wore the combo in public a couple of times, but was so self-conscious that I avoided doing it, except to look at a menu or something else that I had to see.

So, as soon as I got back from my business trip, I went to the Optometrist and got my new glasses. I can see!! I love it.

Oh, while on the "business trip," I was able to meet up with some family and go to Ragan and Jared's Commencement, at which President Obama spoke. I'll blog about that later.

Three lessons I learned over the last few months:

  • Diabetes is a serious thing. Don't ignore it!
  • Good vision is a blessing. Don't mess with it!
  • Wearing two sets of glasses makes me look stupid. Don't ever do it again!
Yep, I can see and I'm so happy about that.


Amy Do. said...

Bob, you look kinda silly wearing two pairs of glasses. But I'm sure nobody noticed.
How great that you can see again. Yay for new glasses!

Unknown said...

People who aren't careful with their diabetes are essentially setting their vision to random. Lots of patients with diabetes can't see with what their prescribed when the glasses come in because their vision changes sometimes from day to day.