Sunday, July 26, 2009


There are two ways I pass the time when I'm flying.

One is to sleep.

The other is to read.

The beauty of both of these time-passers is that in either case, I don't have to talk to anyone. As soon as I sit down, I either pull out my latest book and start reading or lean against the wall and go to sleep. (I'm a window-seater, because then I don't have to jump up every time someone in my row has to pee. I can hold my pee through most of the flights I take, so that's not a problem.)

Reading is a little dangerous, because some people refuse to butt out and leave a person alone who is reading. Most people won't wake you up to talk to you, so it's the safest bet if I really, really don't want to talk.

Why don't I want to talk? I'm not interested in someone else's kids or grandkids. I don't care where they work and why their traveling. I don't want to discuss Utah, Mormons, Provo, or BYU. And I darn sure don't want to talk about He Whom I Said I Wouldn't Discuss Further in My Blogs.

So, I read or sleep.

I'm flying to Kansas City tomorrow. I just checked out some books from the Library and I'm ready to fly. Not to talk.

1 comment:

William Martin said...

Usually people see my four kids jumping around and sit at the other end of the plane, try taking a handful of grandchildren and see if that helps.