Thursday, September 10, 2009


One of the hardest habits to change as I get older is that of assuming I can lift anything, move anything, do anything that I used to when I was younger.

Over the last couple of months, I've actually had to work. Physically work. I've worked with reps and managers doing fastener resets in Lowe's stores. The process takes about 8 - 10 hours per day and is quite physical. There's lifting of boxes and drawers that can weigh up to 40 pounds. There's standing up, squating down, and repeating that 1000 times during the day. Naturally, I try to hold my own and even try to compete with the younger people I work with.

So, after two months of this, my shoulders are throbbing. I went to the doctor who said I have tendinitis in both shoulders, so he's sent me to Physical Therapy.

I've gone twice. I have six more times to go. On the days I don't go, I do numerous exercises that the PT has recommended I do.

Now my shoulders hurt even worse, but he said they'll feel better soon.

I'm looking forward to "soon."

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