Monday, October 5, 2009


Here are some photos from the 2008 Reunion:

We will be having a Phil/Enid Martin Family Reunion in 2010. This is just a heads-up.

Jeff Martin is in charge of this one and he'll put someone in charge of publicity, but I just wanted everyone to start planning for this event.

Here's what we know:
  • The reunion will take place the weekend of Labor Day 2010. That's the weekend of September 3rd. Dad's birthday is September 4th, so this will be a doubly meaningful event.
  • There will be food and fun.

Here are some of the things we don't know:
  • Where this soiree will take place. (Maybe Dallas, or Utah, or Arizona, or Las Vegas. Christy votes for St. Charles, MO!)
  • Which came first? The chicken or the egg.

So, mark your calendar and start watching for further information.

1 comment:

Linda Rae said...

I have all the pictures from the 2008 Reunion ready to make DVDs. If anyone wants them, I think we agreed they would cost $5.00 each--you can pay Jeff at the next reunion or send me the money and I'll give to him--this will go into a family reunion fund--like to use for postage, materials, whatever...