Wednesday, April 28, 2010


For my work, the last 6 weeks I've been traveling all over the west conducting our Annual RoadMap Meetings. These are meetings of the local Managers and Reps. We review the previous year, the sales, the comps, the challenges, the successes, and the numbers. Then, we give them a "roadmap" for success for the new year. New items we'll be introducing for the new year, goals and objectives, etc. This year, we also rolled out some new ordering/timekeeping hard- and software. It involved 3 - 4 hours of intense, comprehensive training. (Yes, technology-challenged Bob doing technology training!)

As the Region Manager for the western U.S., I play a large role in the success of these meetings.

They are now over and I'm finally able to breathe again.

I can't promise that I'll be any better about writing my blog, but I can guarantee that I'll be relaxed while I'm not writing it.

I'm getting too old for this stuff. Somehow, all that sounds good is to sit down, drink a Diet Coke with a lime (the nectar of the Gods), and watch tv or read.

1 comment:

jenna said...

and forward fifty seven emails! haaaaa ha.