Monday, June 28, 2010


Where will we pee on September 4th? We'll be at Lions Park in Provo, which is less that 3/4 miles from my house. Still, a 3/4 mile walk (run, if you really have to pee) is a pretty long jaunt to get to a toilet.

Here's a link to a map showing where Lions park is relative to my house:

When you get to the map, click on "Aerial Map" to see the houses, etc.

By the way...on Columbia Lane, right where you turn on 880 West to go to Lions Park, that's about 100' from where Martin Photo was first located (753 Columbia Lane).

Well, here are some photos to give you a glimpse of where we'll be having The 2010 Martin Family Reunion and celebration of Dad's 85th Birthday and The Enid and Jeff Memorial Fun and Games Day. Double click the photos to see them in all their glory.

Here is the Gazebo where we'll station ourselves.

Here is a close-up of the Gazebo.

Here is a photo of the playground,
taken from the Gazebo.

Here is a little stream. are the restrooms.
This is where we'll pee.

Here's a photo from the parking lot,
showing the restrooms, with the Gazebo
in the background. A mere few feet away.

So, please pass the word around to all the Martins (and other relatives) you know. The official festivities will begin on Saturday morning, September 4th, and end Saturday night. However, Michele and Dad will be there about a week earlier than that. I'm pretty sure that some of the Las Vegas Clan will arrive earlier and leave later. So feel free to come and go as you'd like.

Contact Linda or Cheli or Melvin or me if you have any questions.


jenna said...

I know where Owen and Boyd will pee- and it has nothing to do with that lovely facility.

publickenemy said...

I'll be peeing in the lemonade.

publickenemy said...
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Jennie Wojtaszek said...

there is always the stream if the lines at the restroom gets too long. Wish I could come!

Hunky Bob said...

Jennie...just do it!! You know you can. Grab Tom and Alisa and just kidnap them for a couple of days. What could possibly be more important the visiting Utah??

Jennie Wojtaszek said...

Hunky Bob- I cant spend that kind of money for plane fare for 3 people for a 2 day trip! Just cant do it. (by the way the cost of tuition = insanely crazy high $$)If I could come for a week, then maybe, but alas every one of us is in school come fall semester, and none of us can take a whole week off. I have many memories/locations in Utah that I would love to share with my family, but it will take more than 2 days.

Hunky Bob said...

Jennie - I know and I completely understand. We'll continue to spread these Reunions around (and consider a better time of year), so we can all see each other at one time or another.