This is what I want from my governments - Local, State, and most importantly, Federal:- Please STOP looking for ways to confiscate more of my hard-earned income. You already take more than enough. STOP looking for ways to increase the Death Tax, to take away my home mortgage interest deductions, and all the other nefarious ways you try to seize any money I might earn. I'm 64 years old. My wife...well, she's not that old, but she will be in the next decade. We work very hard, including some long hours, for the money we earn. Please let us keep MORE of it. Please remember - It's ours!! Not yours. I want to pay SOME of it to you. We need you so you can "...establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity." We don't need you to confiscate our earnings to give it to those who don't earn as much as we do, which is a comfortable amount. We do all we can to help the needy and those less fortunate, through agencies OTHER THAN the government to whom we are subjected. There are, indeed, better ways to help the poor and the needy than through the government.
- Please QUIT bending over backwards to help illegal aliens, i.e., future Democrats. QUIT looking for ways to make them U.S. citizens. Spend more money and time and effort on keeping them out of the country, as illegals, and work on ways of getting them here legally. If the ones that are here already have committed crimes (other than the obvious crimes of illegally crossing the border and stealing identities, in order to work here), please deport them and put them on a list that disallows them from re-entering the U.S. for a fair amount of time. I don't hate people from other countries or people who might look different than me. I just want them to come here LEGALLY. I do love legal immigrants.
- Please QUIT messing with the military. Don't use it for social engineering. In very sensitive issues, like homosexuals in the military, most people give the politically correct answers when replying to surveys. They don't want to be perceived as bigots, homophobes, etc. However when they discuss those topics with people they know and trust, they indicate that homosexuality is (STILL) a perversion, as they did in all the centuries prior to the 1960's. For generations, the medical and psychological communities listed homosexuality as pathological. Most Americans still believe that is the case. But, the military isn't the place to test those theses. As an aside, homosexuals should not be discriminated against in any way, nor should crimes be allowed against them. But their perversion should not be considered mainstream or normal. And by the way, not allowing them to marry is not discriminating against them. They have the same rights I have to marry the woman of their choice, or in the case of lesbians, to marry the man of their choice. Just like all the rest of America. So, back to the military: Armies are for killing the enemy and blowing up their stuff. Not for testing liberal social experiments. Let them do their job without your interference; with just your oversight.
- CUT SPENDING! Please! For God's sake, spend most of your time looking for spending CUTS! Governments are too big and too intrusive. We don't need more. We need LESS government. Get out of our pocketbooks. Look to the Constitution for guidance.
Thank you, so much, for taking the time to listen to me.
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