Monday, August 29, 2011


I'm not a Tea Party follower or supporter. In fact, I'm not sure which of the current crop of GOP Presidential candidates are Tea Partyers and which aren't. I wasn't even aware of exactly what they believed in until I spent a little bit of time online reading about them.

I found out that they don't sit around a table drinking tea! Nor do most of them practice tea bagging.

The main thing I found is that they aren't the crazies the the media would have us believe they are. They simply have some unofficial tenets that seem to me to be pretty common sense stuff. Kind of like the Boston Tea Party folks.

As I said, they don't seem to have an official list of beliefs, but here are some of the common ones I found:

* They seem to believe in and honor the constitution and consider it the supreme law of the land.

* They stand for limited government.

* They want their governments to be fiscally responsible. Most favor a balanced budget amendment.

* Are supporters of all the Amendments to the Constitution, but seem to love the 2nd and 10th. That's not too strange, to me.

* They want secured borders and a fair, simple way for outsiders to get into our country legally.

* They seem to be avid supporters of capitalism and free enterprise and don't want bailouts.

I found other beliefs, but most of them fell under the ones I listed.

So my question is, why all the hate? If believing in these things makes one a Tea Partyer, I guess that's what I am, 'cause I think they all sound reasonable and, frankly, pretty great!!

Oh well, it's not the first time I've been affiliated with a controversial organization or group. I'm still not a tea partyer, because I don't think it's an official, orgnized party or group, but I support them in their beliefs.

I expect the left to hate these tenets, but I don't see why the media hate them. Well, I do. It's just a shame that we don't have an unbiased media in the USA. We used to, but not in the last 20 - 30 years.

Oh well, Viva Tea Partyers!!

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