Friday, October 21, 2011


I'm trying not to be a partisan. I just keep thinking about recent assassinations and murders applauded by Americans on both sides of the political aisle.

Obviously, the most recent one was Muammar Gaddafi (spelled however you want to spell it).

Another one was Osama bin Laden (again, spelled however you want).

From President Obama's own words, it appears that we have others in our sights. Are we now going after leaders in Syria? Sudan? North Korea? Iran? We've sent troops into central Africa to help rid the world of Ugandan Joseph Kony. Who? The leader of the Lord's Resistance Army. He's a bad guy. All of these dead men were bad guys.

My concern is, is this how we want to cause regime change? Is this the right way to change the world for the better? By assassination and murder?

I'm not blaming President Obama. The House and Senate both voted unanimously last year to send combat-equipped U.S. troops to "rid" central Africa of Mr. Kony. All Republicans and Democrats.

I think we should keep our celebrating of assassinations and murders to a minimum. I'm worried that we're going in the wrong direction in this regard.

Our President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. We're now in more wars than we were when he took office. I'm missing something here.

Frankly, I'm confused.

We preach democracy, but do we live it?


Linda Rae said...

I know you remember Mother telling us that a person should never celebrate the death of another person. She said a person may be a terrible person by all measures, but it is not for us to decide to end their lives, and certainly not to celebrate--it's unseemly.

Anonymous said...
