If you don't want to read about my politics, stop now!
Lovely Wife Karen and Sweet Daughter Jenna will be pretty peeved at me when they see that my second blog of all time is about politics. I think my other family members will all understand my interest in politics, but Karen and Jenna...nope, they're going to be ticked!
When I first heard about Barack Obama I was excited to see the United States finally looking at an African-American who could possibly become President. He seemed so sincere and so positive that I was sucked in. Previous Presidential candidates of color were pretty much a joke, in my book.
I liked the looks of Barack Obama and not for the reasons that Joe Biden referenced: "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." Then, I read Liberal columnist Maureen Dowd's column where she mentioned how big his ears are. Obama complained to her that he was teased mercilessly as a kid about his big ears and he doesn't like it. (Dowd came back and said she was just trying to toughen him up.)
That seemed like a reasonable thing to be upset about, sort of, so I gave him a pass on it. Now, several months later, the list of things we can't talk about, relative to Mr. Obama, has grown to almost ridiculous proportions. I read a partial list of those things, given by radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh. I'll give him credit for part of this list and I'll take credit for the rest of the things we are no longer allowed to talk about, as they relate to Mr. Obama. If we do, by the way, we're accused of being everything from racist (of course), to insensitive, to mean-spirited, to, well, both lists (things we can't talk about and things we'll be accused of if we do) go on and on.
Don't talk about any of these things, if you know what's good for you:
- His ears.
- His Mother.
- His Grandmother ("She's just a typical white person!")
- His Father.
- His wife.
- His preacher.
- His voting record.
- His religion.
- His terrorist friends (Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn)
- His stand on appeasement.
- His color.
- His lack of color.
- His race.
- His experience.
- His income.
- His stand on lapel pins.
- His stand on putting his hand on his heart during the Star Spangled Banner.
- His name
- His schooling.
- His politics. (Yes, he's extremely liberal, bordering on socialist.)
Two questions:
- Why has he surrounded himself with so many people who hate America, or are ashamed of America, or think America is a bad country, or hate whites...from his preacher to his wife to his terrorist friends?
- Why was he so arrogant and haughty when talking about not wearing a flag lapel pin and not feeling the need to put his hand over his heart during the Pledge of Allegiance, but when the first sign of trouble came, i.e., when his preacher's anti-American and anti-white sermons came to light, when he set up his discussion about race, he surrounded himself with something like 7 - 8 full-size American flags. It makes him look like he's patriotic, only when his butt's in a sling.
So, I'm afraid to talk about Barrack Obama. I've never liked Hillary Clinton's politics very much. And McCain has never been my favorite Republican. He might be okay as a Democrat, but he's no Republican.
Looks like I might be purchasing a great, big clothespin to put on my nose when I vote for the next President.
Okay, Karen and Jenna, I won't do anymore political rants for at least 30 days.
I'm so apolitical I can't even come up with a comment here. I don't really like any of the candidates... they make me go "meh." But, I still enjoyed reading your blog.
Loved your choice for a second blog topic. Keep up with it!
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