Friday, November 14, 2008


When I walked out the back door this morning, I discovered that Nicodemus was dead. He was lying beside one of the Rat Traps. Not in the Rat to the Rat Trap.

I gave him a proper burial, which as everyone knows, is a hook-shot into the trash can.

I've watched the other Rat Traps today, to see if another rat wants to step up and challenge me, but they are either cowering under the dog house or he was the only one.

I'll keep the 3 Rat Traps loaded and cocked and ready to do battle and I will keep you updated.

Don't mourn for Nicodemus. He had a good life and died full of sunflower seeds, cheese, and water.


Jenna said...

next to the rat trap? That's wierd.

I quit. said...

I love cheese.