Friday, August 21, 2009


I told you in my last blog that I really enjoy my job and that the traveling I do is still very enjoyable.

There is one drawback, however. It's the same drawback when one has grandkids who live a distance away.

Grandkids grow up right before your eyes and if you're traveling or if you live away from them, you miss so much of their lives.

Between when I left for Anchorage last week and when I got back from Phoenix this week, Lucy has started wearing panties, not diapers. She does her business in a little pink potty.

Daisy sits up like a big girl. She can sit in the middle of the kids running around her and not tip over. She just loves to sit and pretend like she's playing with the other kids.

Boyd is antsy to get back in school. He really learns when he's in school. That's a big deal for a kid with autism. They're able to bring things out of him that none of his family can. Over the last year, he's changed mightily. Some of those changes have taken place while I've been away.

I haven't seen Mia and Owie for a couple of weeks, so I don't know what to expect from them when I see them this weekend.

And, of course, the Las Vegas grandkids, who I love every bit as much as the local ones, grow in leaps and bounds when I'm away. Seeing them once or twice a year is the pits.

It's hard for their families to travel to Utah to visit us and vice versa.

So, I still love traveling, but I wish I could see all my grandkids and (I guess) their parents, every single day.

I miss them all.

I haven't seen some grandkids for quite awhile. And, it hurts. I need to see them far more often.

I'll do what I can to spend some additional time with each one.

Other than those things related to my kids and grandkids, I love traveling.

And, if I could see them every day, I wouldn't mind living so far away from the Las Vegas kids and grandkids.


joni-jared said...

Love this blog, Dad. And I totally know what you mean. I miss those kids like CRAZY when I don't see them every few days.

Just call me Granny! said...

I agree, even more now. Guess I'm going to have to travel at lot.