Well, I started the day yesterday thinking I’d call Dano sometime during the morning to wish him a Happy Birthday.
I had a dentist appointment at 9:00 AM, which lasted until 10:00 AM. I then had to run up to the Red Cross Center in Orem for a 10:45 AM Platelet Donation appointment.
That took until about 12:30 PM.
I thought I’d go home, eat some lunch and give him a call.
Instead, while I was fixing some lunch, I received a phone call asking if I could go to the church cannery to help can some peaches, since a couple of the people who volunteered were sick.
I left for the cannery as soon as I finished eating and I was there until 5:00 PM.
Karen got home from work and I got home from the cannery about the same time…5:20 PM or so.
She said, “You’re probably too tired for an adventure, aren’t you?”
I said I wasn’t, so we took off for Mapleton to a friend’s house. This friend was selling off some antique furniture to make room for some other furniture.
We bought a beautiful old wardrobe and trucked it home.
Of course, we couldn’t just let it sit somewhere and put it in its rightful place at a later time, so we began the process of moving furniture and the stuff that was in the furniture to their new places of honor.
By the time we finished, I was exhausted and went to bed.
So much for calling Dano on his birthday!
yeah, but look at that furniture! I love that thing...
but how you move these furniture really hard work
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