Saturday, March 13, 2010


Here are some explanations regarding the upcoming Martin Family Reunion/Phil Martin 85th Birthday/Jeff Martin Memorial. I have been asked if we will ever hold the Reunion in the summer so people can take some time and drive to the Reunion, since kids will be out of school, etc. The answer is, it can be held any time of the year.

Jeff was in charge of the 2010 Reunion. He's the one who chose the location and suggested that we do a Reunion/Grampy 85th Birthday party this year. His thought process was that it would be so hot and muggy in Dallas during the summer that he'd rather have it in Provo, a little later in the year. And then, of course, he picked the 1st weekend in September to celebrate Grampy's 85th birthday. So, that's what we were, and still are, planning.

I somewhat ran the last one. Jeff was running this one. I assume Linda will have a go at it next time. Start now giving her your requests...for location, dates, food, activities, theme, etc..

For an update on attendance - All the Las Vegas Martin kids and grandkids have indicated that they're attending the one this September. All the Utah kids and grandkids and Karen and I, will be attending. Paula has indicated that she would like to attend and have as many of her kids attend, as possible. I assume Bruce and Helen will be there, as well. I think Linda and Bobby will be there. I haven't heard from Melvin and Nancy yet, about any of their family.

Wherever and whenever we have these Reunions, some will be able to attend and some won't. I will continue to push for these to my dying day. We are a far-flung family and if we don't push HARD for reunions, we'll lose contact with each other. From my perspective, I'd rather we try to bring our families together than to let them drift apart.


jenna said...

Keep on pushing dad! :)

jenna said...

i meant that in an encouraging way, not a snotty one. Upon re-reading, it sounded wrong.

Queen Bee said...

I agree with Jenna. Keep pushing. I don't think we will be able to make this one, but I like the idea of having them all over the place so different elements of family can get together. It is very important to keep the family together.