Thursday, December 29, 2011


After witnessing months of debates, gotcha interviews, mud slinging, and following some calm, cool analysis of all of the Republican Presidential Candidates, I've made my decision and am ready to back one of those candidates.

Every single one of them has heavy baggage. Some more than others. I've considered that baggage. Many of them have wildly positive ideas about the direction they want to take the country.

In my oh-so-humble opinion, there are 4 main areas of focus that are important in picking a candidate to support.

First, can this candidate beat President Obama in 2012? Without that, nothing else matters...see #2, #3, and #4.

Second, will this candidate repeal Obamacare? It must be stopped and if it isn't stopped by the new Republican President, it will be impossible to stop. After 2012, if President Obama wins the election, future Republican Presidents and Republican dominated Congresses will only be able to make Obamacare less costly and intrusive. They'll never be able to elimintate it.

Third, our borders must be secured and we must adopt a sane immigration policy that allows honest, law-abiding, productive people to enter the United States. Without that, President Obama will ensure that the US becomes just like California, awash in debt and ridiculous regulations, nearing bankruptcy, with an endless supply of new democrats illegally crossing the borders on a daily basis. That, obviously, brings an end to the Republican Party. I'm not necessarily in love with the GOP, but at this time, it's the home of conservatism, which is where my loyalties lie.

Fourth, we need a President who will turn us 180 degrees from the Nanny State that Mr. Obama and his party wants. Our new President in 2012 must reduce the size and influence of the Federal Government. Obviously, that includes major cuts in entitlements and the elimination of loopholes, fraud, and favoritism in the tax code.

Considering all of that, looking carefully at baggage, temperament, experience, and history, I've concluded that my choice for the 2012 GOP Candidate for President is Mitt Romney.

I'm not going to go into the reasons why the others aren't my choice. Suffice it to say that I find Mr. Romney is the only candidate that qualifies under the four requirements I listed above.

I've very carefully tried to put on blinders to the obvious reason I'd have to support Mr. Romney...our religion. I think I have done that very well. If religion was important to me, Mr. Huntsman would have been in my short list...and he was not.

So, take it for what it's worth. One American's opinion. As of today, I support Mitt Romney and will through his 2 terms as President, unless he lets Washington own his soul. If that happens, I'll work towards replacing him in 2016.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I can't help but think that our Community Organizer in Chief is involved in the Occupy movement.

He and most of the left (do I still have to say, "and the media," or do we all understand by now that the "left" and the "media" are one in the same?) are very supportive of the Occupiers. They constantly remind us that protesting and demonstrating is as American as apple pie.

I don't see these yahoos as being very American. Sorry.

I happen to believe that capitalism is American.

No, they're not protesting a war or the draft. They want to be forgiven their student loans. They took out the loans, they signed on the dotted line, but now they want someone else (, me, the banks, mommy and daddy...SOMEONE!!!) to pay their loans off.

They're even demonstrating in Syria about student loans. See above? No. Wait. That's not Syria. That's Oakland, CA...America.

They want us to walk away from one of our closest allies. President Obama has been doing that already, so I'm not sure why this old guy is protesting about that. The Left is pretty much all in favor of deserting them. So, again, President Obama's fingerprints all over this movement.

Even Provo, UT has had it's own Occupy Protest. It wasn't very well attended. There just aren't that many anarchists and idiots in Provo.

Now, that's my idea of a successful demonstration. Only 10 - 12 people show up and then go home after realizing they look stupid.

And, yes, that is the Occupy Provo Protest. Tee hee.

Friday, November 4, 2011


For some unknown (to me) reason, I feel like I can't write a blog unless it's about something important. And, frankly, not much happens to me that is very important. So, I go weeks without blogging.

I'm going to try to not worry about sounding like a goof and just write some thoughts...more frequently than I've done in the past. (I started to say I was going to do it every day, but that really overshoots the mark!)

So, stay tuned for some generic, boring thoughts. I'll try to add humor and photos whenever possible.

Friday, October 21, 2011


I'm trying not to be a partisan. I just keep thinking about recent assassinations and murders applauded by Americans on both sides of the political aisle.

Obviously, the most recent one was Muammar Gaddafi (spelled however you want to spell it).

Another one was Osama bin Laden (again, spelled however you want).

From President Obama's own words, it appears that we have others in our sights. Are we now going after leaders in Syria? Sudan? North Korea? Iran? We've sent troops into central Africa to help rid the world of Ugandan Joseph Kony. Who? The leader of the Lord's Resistance Army. He's a bad guy. All of these dead men were bad guys.

My concern is, is this how we want to cause regime change? Is this the right way to change the world for the better? By assassination and murder?

I'm not blaming President Obama. The House and Senate both voted unanimously last year to send combat-equipped U.S. troops to "rid" central Africa of Mr. Kony. All Republicans and Democrats.

I think we should keep our celebrating of assassinations and murders to a minimum. I'm worried that we're going in the wrong direction in this regard.

Our President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. We're now in more wars than we were when he took office. I'm missing something here.

Frankly, I'm confused.

We preach democracy, but do we live it?

Monday, October 10, 2011


President Reagan popularized the "11th Commandment," which was created by then California Republican Party Chairman, Gaylord Parkinson. Personal attacks against Reagan during the Primary were so heavy and continuous, that Parkinson came up with this Commandment:

"Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican."

Although I'm not on the Romney bandwagon (I haven't chosen a candidate to back yet), Mr. Perry is rapidly sliding towards the bottom of my list every time he speaks or runs an ad.

We don't need our candidates beating up on each other, weakening each other, so when the general election comes, our candidate is 1) out of money from running defensive ads and 2) weakened to the point that they can't win.

Come on, Mr. Perry, attack President Obama, not other Republicans. I want to see what each Republican candidate likes/dislikes about President Obama's performance and what they will do differently and, hopefully better, than him.

President Obama is very beatable at this time. I don't want the Republicans to blow it by not following the 11th Commandment.

Right, Mr. President?

Right, Bob.

Monday, August 29, 2011


I'm not a Tea Party follower or supporter. In fact, I'm not sure which of the current crop of GOP Presidential candidates are Tea Partyers and which aren't. I wasn't even aware of exactly what they believed in until I spent a little bit of time online reading about them.

I found out that they don't sit around a table drinking tea! Nor do most of them practice tea bagging.

The main thing I found is that they aren't the crazies the the media would have us believe they are. They simply have some unofficial tenets that seem to me to be pretty common sense stuff. Kind of like the Boston Tea Party folks.

As I said, they don't seem to have an official list of beliefs, but here are some of the common ones I found:

* They seem to believe in and honor the constitution and consider it the supreme law of the land.

* They stand for limited government.

* They want their governments to be fiscally responsible. Most favor a balanced budget amendment.

* Are supporters of all the Amendments to the Constitution, but seem to love the 2nd and 10th. That's not too strange, to me.

* They want secured borders and a fair, simple way for outsiders to get into our country legally.

* They seem to be avid supporters of capitalism and free enterprise and don't want bailouts.

I found other beliefs, but most of them fell under the ones I listed.

So my question is, why all the hate? If believing in these things makes one a Tea Partyer, I guess that's what I am, 'cause I think they all sound reasonable and, frankly, pretty great!!

Oh well, it's not the first time I've been affiliated with a controversial organization or group. I'm still not a tea partyer, because I don't think it's an official, orgnized party or group, but I support them in their beliefs.

I expect the left to hate these tenets, but I don't see why the media hate them. Well, I do. It's just a shame that we don't have an unbiased media in the USA. We used to, but not in the last 20 - 30 years.

Oh well, Viva Tea Partyers!!

Friday, July 1, 2011


Lately I've been missing some of the things I used to take for granted. Traditions. Our culture is being eroded and I don't like the "termites" who are chewing away at our traditions and our culture. Most of the traditions don't really amount to much; they're not a big deal, but over a lifetime of seeing these traditions and cultural norms eaten away, I find that I really miss them. Or, conversely, I really hate what has replaced them.

Here are just a few:
  • Men wearing baseball caps in restaurants. To me, it's low class, dirty, and offensive. I know, I sound like a 65 year old man...well, I will be 65 in December, so I guess it's okay for me to sound like one! Then, there's the very special breed of low-life, mullet-wearing, redneck, bumpkin, inbreds, who wear their baseball caps backwards, so they can look like official dorks while they gobble their food.
  • Talking on cell phones while conducting business. You see it all the time...a customer approaching a clerk or server or whomever, while on the phone and giving that person a minimal amount of attention while trying to conduct business with them. You're not so damned important that you need to be talking to someone every minute of the day. Hang up your phone, stupid, and show some respect for the person who is trying to help you.
  • The movement away from reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. When I pledge my allegiance to our flag, I'm recognizing that I'm a proud American. I love my country. I fought for my country in...I mean, I was a typist for my country in the Army, in Germany. I feel so blessed to live here and enjoy the freedoms we have. I appreciate those who have given their lives so we can have those freedoms. I'm thinking about all those things, and more, when I recite the Pledge of Allegiance and I'm sort of bonding with those around me, as fellow Americans.
  • Different last names/living together. When new neighbors moved in, back in the day, once your heard their last name was Smith, you felt comfortable calling them Mr. and Mrs. Smith, until you learned and were invited to call them by their first names. You knew they were Mr. and Mrs. because they lived together. Now, people live together without the benefit of marriage and use their individual last names or they marry, but the woman keeps her last name or hyphenates his and her last name. Come on, Mr. and Mrs. Smith was so easy. When I was a young boy growing up in San Diego, the lady next door, Mrs. Green, had a series of boyfriends who lived with her over the years (months?). When the first one left and a new boyfriend started hanging around, I told my mother that, "...there is a new Mr. Green next door."
  • Respect for Teachers and ones elders. I've always been a class clown and a trouble-maker, but when I got in trouble for disrespecting my teacher, or any of my elders, for that matter, not only did I get in trouble with them, but when my parents found out, I got in trouble at home, as well. The trouble at home was much more severe. There is way too much litigation in America today and a lot of it comes from parents who sue because someone offended their precious little offspring. Because of this, we have a disrespectful bunch of adults, young adults, teenagers, youth, and children, whose parents have trained them to believe they should bear no responsibility for their actions.
Well, that's probably enough for now. I'll mention some others later.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Oh, to have President Reagan back. But, that will never be. So, who will I vote for in the 2012 election?

I've given it a lot of thought. I really dislike President Obama's policies. Plus, he's just too snarky, arrogant, and classless. Plus, even though the left ridicule President Bush for his speaking abilities (or lack thereof), Mr. Obama can't put two sentences together without a tele-prompter. He's a complete idiot. He's not the genius his supporters purport him to be. He's a dolt and he's unAmerican.

He considers those with whom he differs as enemies. Americans as enemies! Amazing. He's worried about giving Usama bin Laden a proper Muslim burial, but I'm his enemy.

Anyway, don't get me started on that goofball. As has been said many times in many places, Barrack Obama is the least qualified person in any room he enters.

So, here's my short list of Republicans that I would be proud to vote for in the 2012 election:

Newt Gingrich

Chris Christie

John Bolton

Gary Johnson

Buddy Roemer

Michele Bachman

Herman Cain

Sarah Palin

Rick Santorum

Jon Huntsman

*Mike Huckabee

Tim Pawlenty

Mitch Daniels

Rick Perry

Mitt Romney

*Ron Paul

*Would only vote for these people if they won the nomination. Last resort, but better than Obama.

I really look forward to the 2012 election. It can't come soon enough.

One more thing. Here's the abbreviated version of most every speech he makes:

"I want ... I believe ... I've seen ... I've heard ... I said ... I will be ... I'm asking ... I don't know ... I challenge ... I urge ... I set ... I know ... I'm proposing ... I ask ... I took ... I made ... I would ... I intend ... I've ordered ... I will not ... I've heard ... I am eager ... I'm not ... I'm not ... I'm not ... I am ... I've proposed ... I care ... I recognize ... I'm willing ... I've proposed ... I created ... I don't agree ... I am prepared ... I hear ... I will submit ... I ask ... I will veto ... I will travel ... I call on all ... I know ... I stand..."

He's the "I" man! Nobody else exists in his world.