Friday, December 17, 2010
We woke up this morning to news that the historic Provo Tabernacle had been on fire since 2:30 AM. At this time, about 9:15 AM, there is only a shell remaining. The roof has collapsed. Some of the upper walls have collapsed. The inside is gutted. It looks pretty hopeless, at this time.
This building was used, not only by the LDS church for meetings, concerts, and other events, but by the non-LDS community, including other faiths, for other events. Tonight and tomorrow night, there was to be a Christmas program.
It's a sad day for those of us who treasure old, beautiful buildings.
Here's the link for some news coverage:
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Example: One major facet of President Obama's Obamacare is that insurance companies have to insure people with pre-existing conditions.
May I relate it to car insurance for a moment?
You have no car insurance. You get in a wreck and waste your car. A person in the other car dies. You call the insurance company and say, "I want to buy some car insurance and I want it to cover the accident I just had, which probably totaled my car and did kil the other driver." You'd have to be out of your mind to (1) ask an insurance company for that coverage and (2) be in the car insurance business if the government was making you cover "pre-existing" car wrecks.
Why is it any different in the health insurance business?
You have no medical insurance. You come down with a horrible disease. You call an insurance company and say, "I'm really sick. I might die. I, at least, will need some hospitalization and treatment to even have a chance of living. So, I need some medical insurance that will cover this pre-existing condition."
Why does requiring insurance companies to insure people for their pre-existing conditions make sense? Smart guys in Washington say it does. I don't see it.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Today, December 1, 2010, is World Aids Day.
- Don't have any kind of sex with a person of the same sex. If you're married, be faithful to your spouse.
- Don't share hypodermic needles.
- Do your research before receiving a blood transfusion.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Our good friend, Rulon Jenson, passed away last week. I've talked a bit about him on FaceBook.
Here are two Rulon and Boydie stories:
1 - At the viewing, I grabbed Boydie, our 6 year old autistic grandson and took him over to the casket and said, "Do you remember Rulon? He comes over to our house for dessert every Sunday evening." Boyd said, "Yes, I know him. He's married to Terri." So, I said, "That is his body in the casket." He stared, without moving, for at least 60 seconds, then in his loudest voice said, "Yep. I think he's dead."
2 - Boyd's dad (my son, Ken) arrived late for the viewing, having come directly from work. As soon as he walked in the mortuary, Boyd grabbed his hand and dragged him over towards the casket. As he got close to the casket, again in his loudest voice, he said, "Come on, Dad. Come and see the dead guy."
Rulon would have laughed and enjoyed the joke.
Monday, October 25, 2010
I have a great family. From parents, to siblings, to aunts/uncles, cousins, nieces/nephews, etc, I feel that I'm truly blessed.
Take a look at the photo above and ask, "Who could ask for anything more?"
Thirteen of the goofiest, most beautiful kids in the world. All with very strong personalities and all incredible kids.
I'm a very lucky person.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I just don't have the time to be consistent.
I can comment on other folks' blogs, because there's no pressure to perform on cue.
I'll try blogging again at a later date.
Bye Bye for Now.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
When all of America heard Reverend Wright bash white people and our beloved America, we were told by our Fearless Leader, The Anointed One, President Obama, that we shouldn't judge Reverend Wright based on a few soundbites, that there was much more to the story, and the man, than just those few clips.
But when El Presidente heard that Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Harvard Professor and race-relations expert, had been arrested by Police Sergeant James Crowley...yes, when the President "heard" the sound bite of Sergeant White Guy Crowley's arrest of the Most Honorable Professor Black Man Gates, he immediately reacted by saying, "The police acted stupidly." He didn't wait until he heard the whole story. Nope. Not our guy. He jumped right in the middle of it and made a quick judgment...stupidly.
Now, the Georgia State Director of Rural Development for the USDA, Shirley Sherrod, was fired yesterday under the direction of the White House, for some soundbites she made, explaining racist behavior she exhibited 24 years ago. Now that the White House has had a chance to dig a little deeper, they've apologized to her and offered her another job with the Agriculture Department.
I'm not arguing any of these cases. You can believe anything you'd like about Reverend Wright, Sergeant Crowley and Professor Gates, and Shirley Sherrod. You can read about these three cases and come to your own conclusions.
I'm just dumbfounded by our President...the one who said he was post-racial, that race wouldn't be an issue during his tenure, I'm dumbfounded that he just can't wait to jump into and stir up and confuse and exacerbate any racial issue that comes up. He can't help himself.
He is the most racial and racist President in my lifetime.
And, he wants us to do as he says, not as he does.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Where will we pee on September 4th? We'll be at Lions Park in Provo, which is less that 3/4 miles from my house. Still, a 3/4 mile walk (run, if you really have to pee) is a pretty long jaunt to get to a toilet.
Here's a link to a map showing where Lions park is relative to my house:
When you get to the map, click on "Aerial Map" to see the houses, etc.
By the way...on Columbia Lane, right where you turn on 880 West to go to Lions Park, that's about 100' from where Martin Photo was first located (753 Columbia Lane).
Well, here are some photos to give you a glimpse of where we'll be having The 2010 Martin Family Reunion and celebration of Dad's 85th Birthday and The Enid and Jeff Memorial Fun and Games Day. Double click the photos to see them in all their glory.
Here is the Gazebo where we'll station ourselves.
Here is a close-up of the Gazebo.
Here is a photo of the playground,
taken from the Gazebo.
Here is a little stream. are the restrooms.
This is where we'll pee.
Here's a photo from the parking lot,
showing the restrooms, with the Gazebo
in the background. A mere few feet away.
So, please pass the word around to all the Martins (and other relatives) you know. The official festivities will begin on Saturday morning, September 4th, and end Saturday night. However, Michele and Dad will be there about a week earlier than that. I'm pretty sure that some of the Las Vegas Clan will arrive earlier and leave later. So feel free to come and go as you'd like.
Contact Linda or Cheli or Melvin or me if you have any questions.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Here is an actual photo of my pancreas:
And here's an actual x-ray of my Islets of Langerhans. Did you know that anatomist Paul Langerhans discovered the Islets in 1869? (Not mine. I wasn't even alive then. He just found them on a dead guy.) And, he was only 22 years old when he found them! Since he discovered them, he named them after himself.
Well, anyway, I'm counting carbs, avoiding sugar, checking my blood glucose levels 6 - 8 times a day, taking 2 kinds of insulin, one in the morning and the other kind any time I want to eat and before bed.
The Doctor told me to get serious about Diabetes. I really like my grandkids and would like to stick around just a little bit longer, so I'm going to work on it.
In doing some research, I found this:
...and this:
Okay, that's it, Bob. Get serious!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
- The first thing the police officer says approaching my car is, "Show me your car registration and driver's license." Why? Because they need to know who it is they stopped. They need to know that the car I'm driving is mine (or so they can find out if it's legally borrowed). If there's going to be a citation, they needs to know to whom to make it. They need to know who I am.
- I fly somewhere about 30 - 35 weeks out of 52 weeks each year. Every time I fly, I'm required to show my ID at least twice at each airport. Once, when I get my ticket and check my bags and a second time when I pass through Security. Why? Because they need to know who I am, in case there's an accident; in case I might be a person who wishes harm to Americans; so they can match my baggage up with me when I arrive at my destination. They need to know who I am.
- When I use a credit card, I'm asked to show my ID. Why? To ensure that the name on the credit card and the name/photo on my ID are the same. To ensure that I'm not using a stolen card. They need to know who I am.
- Exactly like when I use a credit card, when I write a check, I'm required to show my ID. Why? Same as above. They need to know who I am.
- When I vote in my home state of Utah, I'm asked to show my ID. Why? In Utah, it is determined that something as important and sacred as voting requires that I prove who I am, so they know I'm voting legally. This isn't the case in all states, but it is here in Utah - for which I'm extremely grateful. They need to know who I am.
- I'm asked to prove my identity several times each day. Why? Because in order to be a land of laws and order, we have to know that each person is who they say they are.
I proudly show my ID.
Why is it so offensive to ask others to do the same?
Why do we work so hard to prove that Americans are Americans, but we find it offensive, and to many, illegal, to ask non-Americans to prove who they are? We invite them here with the lack of security we require of them. We invite them here with all the freebies we give them...
...and in return, many of them are contemptuous towards us. Many of them hate us. Many of them think we're the illegals and treat us as such.
We need to return to having secure borders and a sensible immigration policy. We don't need open borders. We need an easy way for immigrants to come here, but on our conditions, not theirs.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
As a flaming conservative, I have mixed feelings about the new AZ immigration law.
On one hand, it merely does what Federal Law says should be done, that is, if a person is stopped by a law enforcement officer for ANOTHER offense, the person stopped can be asked to identify themselves, show who they are, just like the rest of us have to do if we get stopped. Or if we want to cash a check. Or if we want to get a driver's license. Or get a fishing or hunting license. Or many other day to day activities. We are asked to prove who we are numerous times each day.
On the other hand, because of the Democrats, along with the dying, mainstream media, this is been turned into a anti-Hispanic law to enable the Democrat Party to be able to say, "Yes, Illegals, we want you here. It's the evil, bigoted Republicans who hate you."
Frankly, I love all legal immigrants, regardless of race, creed, color or anything else.
I also find illegals to be criminals, regardless of race, creed, color or anything else.
As I said, I'm torn. I think the AZ law should be enforced. I think Federal Immigration Law should be enforced.
But, I think Democrats are never going to secure the borders, since they want to make all illegals legal (amnesty) and claim their vote.
In the meantime, Arizona and much of the rest of the United States is being overrun by illegal immigrants...and Republicans and conservatives are taking the blame for being racist and bigoted.
My, oh my, has this country taken a turn for the worse (or worst, if you came from that school) in the last year or so.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
As the Region Manager for the western U.S., I play a large role in the success of these meetings.
They are now over and I'm finally able to breathe again.
I can't promise that I'll be any better about writing my blog, but I can guarantee that I'll be relaxed while I'm not writing it.
I'm getting too old for this stuff. Somehow, all that sounds good is to sit down, drink a Diet Coke with a lime (the nectar of the Gods), and watch tv or read.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
We're coming up on Jeff's birthday on April 20th. The weekend before his birthday, Karen and I are going to Dallas to be with my family. Hopefully, we can get a few of us together and visit about Jeff and with each other.
I look forward to seeing Paula, and Kelly, and David and talking with them about Jeff.
I still miss him every day. We could go weeks or months without talking, but as soon as we got together, it was as if no time had passed since the last time we talked.
I miss those goofy brotherly talks.
Jeff was a good brother and I have tremendous faith that we will see him again. In fact, I can say that I have no doubts about seeing him again.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
First, we drove to Perry, UT, just outside of Brigham City, UT...about 100 miles away. We went there because of a great restaurant called Maddox Ranch House. They have the best dead cow I've ever eaten. Besides being a restaurant, it's a cow ranch, slaughter house, etc. They sell beef and bison, too. After a wonderful lunch, we bought 10 pounds of hamburger patties and 2 nice Chuck Roasts. When we've BBQ'd those burgers in the past, our family has asked what we did to the meat to make it so good. Maddox's has been around since WWII. Double click the photo below and check out the cars in the parking lot. This must have been taken in the late 1950's.
This photo was taken more recently.
Here's their Website:
Then we drove down the road, south, about 10 miles to Smith and Edwards just outside of Ogden. It's a huge, massive, big place that is a combination of an Ace Hardware Store, an Army/Navy Salvage Store, and a, well, here's their own description:
"Since 1947, Smith and Edwards has been one of Utah's unique destination retail experiences. Three generations strong with family tradition, the 171,000 square foot store includes departments for camping, fishing, backpacking, climbing, caving, hunting, guns and ammo, emergency preparedness, and extraordinary selection of Dutch oven cookware, marine, water sports, western tack sales and manufacturing, western jewelry, clothing, coats, footwear, toys, house wares, hardware, automotive, paint, plus U.S. and international military surplus - all this in addition to the sixty are yard which is filled with a huge assortment of military surplus...the "scrap" that started it all."
You could shop there for hours. And we did!
And, here's their Website:
It was a great day. The yard work will still be there for us to do next Saturday, but this was a beautiful, spring day that screamed for a Road Trip.
We made memories today!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Here are some explanations regarding the upcoming Martin Family Reunion/Phil Martin 85th Birthday/Jeff Martin Memorial. I have been asked if we will ever hold the Reunion in the summer so people can take some time and drive to the Reunion, since kids will be out of school, etc. The answer is, it can be held any time of the year.
Jeff was in charge of the 2010 Reunion. He's the one who chose the location and suggested that we do a Reunion/Grampy 85th Birthday party this year. His thought process was that it would be so hot and muggy in Dallas during the summer that he'd rather have it in Provo, a little later in the year. And then, of course, he picked the 1st weekend in September to celebrate Grampy's 85th birthday. So, that's what we were, and still are, planning.
I somewhat ran the last one. Jeff was running this one. I assume Linda will have a go at it next time. Start now giving her your requests...for location, dates, food, activities, theme, etc..
For an update on attendance - All the Las Vegas Martin kids and grandkids have indicated that they're attending the one this September. All the Utah kids and grandkids and Karen and I, will be attending. Paula has indicated that she would like to attend and have as many of her kids attend, as possible. I assume Bruce and Helen will be there, as well. I think Linda and Bobby will be there. I haven't heard from Melvin and Nancy yet, about any of their family.
Wherever and whenever we have these Reunions, some will be able to attend and some won't. I will continue to push for these to my dying day. We are a far-flung family and if we don't push HARD for reunions, we'll lose contact with each other. From my perspective, I'd rather we try to bring our families together than to let them drift apart.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I can't put this off any longer. However, it just doesn't seem right without Jeff. I realize that my sisters, Linda and Michelle, and our Dad's son (and our brother), Melvin, and I are all still Phil & Enid's offspring and we're alive and, hopefully, carrying on some of the Martin Family traditions and name and blood. But without Jeff along side us, it's been very hard for me to bring this up again.
Linda, Michele, and Melvin - We need to carry on in Jeff's absence.
So, without further ado (no, it's not supposed to be "adieu"), it's time we got down to some serious planning of the "2010 Martin Family Reunion and Phil Martin 85th Birthday Celebration!" Is that title long enough? I've tried to think of some other things we could add to the title, but nothing comes to mind...yet.
Our plan is to have this huge party on Friday and Saturday, September 3rd and 4th in Provo, UT. Let's see if we can make this one even more successful than the last. Let's make sure that we contact every family member we can think of, from Provo to Mesa to Dallas to Norman and all stops in between and around.
We need to have a conference call to get this moving forward again. Maybe Paula or Kelly or David could fill in for Jeff as his family's representative to the Reunion Committee? (Not that Rick couldn't do it. He's not that busy, but he's far away, right?)
Let's plan the call and get going again. Okay?
Hey!! I know!! How about the "2010 Martin Family Reunion, Phil Martin 85th Birthday Celebration, and Jeff Martin Memorial."
We could all come to the party prepared to share photos and stories about Jeff, as well as stories and photos of our Dad and Grampy, Phil Martin.
The 2010 Martin Family Reunion, Phil Martin 85th Birthday Celebration, and Jeff Martin Memorial!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Anyway, in making my plans, I looked at a map and was surprised by a few things. First, there are quite a few cities in the southern tip of Texas. Second, a very nice resort area is there...South Padre Island, which I've heard about. It's a beautiful place. Finally, that area is incredibly far south! Way south. Waaayyy down there.
Check out how far south of, say, San Diego it is. I always thought when I went down to Tijuana or Ensenada I was going pretty far south in the world. Look how far south Harlingen is!
I guess I'd better bone up on my Spanish and get some pesos.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Miss Alli and Family
She is so tiny.
At a birth weight of 5 lbs. 5 oz., she seems like a little doll.
She barely shows up in Bobo's arms.
"Come on, Bobo, let Papa hold her!"
Despite her diminutive stature, she has long fingers, toes, and wingspan.
Little Alli has brothers and sisters and cousins galore.
Sweet Rebekah is always around, ready to give out beautiful smiles.
Rachel still demands some of the limelight...or else!
She can give you a gorgeous smile, a scowl, or a look that melts your heart. She's a beautiful girl with the blackest hair I've ever seen on a little kid.
Here's Drew, Emma, and Tricia, eating Chinese Take Out with chop sticks. They do better than me with those instruments of starvation.
I guess the question that always comes up is, "What will little Alli be like when she grows up?" I certainly don't want to cast aspersions, but looking at the photo below, I'd say she doesn't stand a chance in a million of being normal. Double click the photo to see these yahoos in all their glorious detail.
I had a great time visiting my Las Vegas family, especially the grandkids, and I wish I could be there all the time. They've grown so much each time I see them. I miss so much of their development.
And, although I don't have photos to prove it, Tera looks great just days after giving birth, and Shelly looks amazing, just months and numerous pounds after giving birth. She has worked her butt off...literally. You girls look great!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
I visited Las Vegas last weekend on my way to a Monday - Wednesday Meeting in Tempe, AZ. I went to Las Vegas to see our newest granddaughter, Allison Emily Martin, who we call Alli. I'll blog about Alli a bit later. She's a doll and I have some fun photos of her.
First, however, I want to tell you about her brother and sister, Drew and Tricia, and the movie "Up." Drew was really excited to watch a movie on my iPod. Since I have Up on it, I started it for him. He immediately went into his own little world to watch it.
The more he got into it, the more he wanted to shut out the outside world. Here he is in the ultimate position to do just that.
Big sister Tricia asked if she could watch it with him and he, of course, willingly and happily agreed. They watched the rest of the movie together, also enjoying the bonds of siblings.
As much as I already loved that movie, I'll never be able to watch it again without thinking of these two sweeties watching it together.